Alabama Community College System

Tenant Portal

The Alabama Community College System building was formally the RSA’s main administrative building. It is now occupied 100% by state agencies.


LOCATION 135 South Union St., Montgomery, AL
YEAR BUILT 1977, renovated in 2008
ENTRANCE Main entrance is via South Union St.
ACCESS Union St., Adams Ave.
SIZE 24,800 square feet
OFFICE SPACE 66,326 square feet
STORAGE NRA 2,850 square feet
PARKING Shared with the RSA Plaza, the 6–level parking deck contains 570 spaces. There is an executive parking area in the basement. Card/code access is required for use of all parking.
SHAPE/LAYOUT Rectangular
AMENITIES Efficient floor plan with central core and perimeter offices. The floors are suitable for both single and multiple tenant occupancies. There is a patio that surrounds the building.
SITE IMPROVEMENTS Landscaping includes trees, planters, sidewalks, a patio, and retaining walls.
UTILITIES Electric: Alabama Power Gas: Spire Water & Sewer: City of Montgomery
Telephone: Multiple (AT&T, Charter, WOW, etc.)
HVAC Chilled water central cooling, with VAV air handling systems. Heating is provided via electric convection.
ELEVATORS Two high-quality finished passenger elevators with capacities of 3,000-pounds each.
ELECTRICAL On–site transformer and conventional electrical service, with central metering. Electrical service is 3–phase, 4–wire, with a capacity of 480/277 volts and 208/120 volts.
PLUMBING One Men’s and one Women’s restrooms per floor.
LIFE SAFETY Fireproof building per code. Fully sprinkled, with two internal fireproof stairways and fire standpipes.


Alabama Community College System Alabama Community College System


CONTACT Joe Toole, RSA Leasing Office
201 South Union Street
PO Box 302150
Montgomery, AL 36130-2150
