RFPs, ITBs, & RFQs

Standard Terms and Conditions

RSA Reservation of Rights and Requirements for ITBs and RFPs

RSA Standard Terms and Conditions for Solicitations and Contracts

RSA Procedures for Resolution of Controversies

Scroll to the bottom of the page for RFP, ITB, and RFQ forms. All times in Central Standard Time.

Current Request for Proposals (RFPs)

A New Alabama Statehouse Phase 4 - Building

The Work of this Project Phase 4 includes, but is not limited to:  the Major Divisions of work for the Building, Bid Item One : General Works, Bid Item Two : Drywall and Acoustical, Bid Item Three: Painting, Bid Item Four : Wall and Floor Finishes, Bid Item Five : Mechanical, Bid Item Six : Electrical and coordination with all previous Phases of Work.

Notice of Intent: Bid Item Four: Wall and Floor Finishes

Notice of Intent: Bid Item Five: Mechanical

Notice of Intent: Bid Item Six: Electrical

New Alabama Statehouse Phase 4 - Building

Trey Hard

Vanessa Meade

Goodwyn Mills Cawood, LLC
Members, American Institute of Architects
2660 EastChase Lane, Suite 200
Montgomery, AL  36117
Fax: 334.272.1566

Bid Documents:
Available after 8/20/2024

Pre-Bid Conference:
8/27/2024 10:00 am
Attendance at the Pre-Bid Conference is highly recommended for all Bidders

Sealed Proposals Due:
9/12/2024 2:00 pm

RFP RE25-002 Master Civil Engineering Services

The RSA is seeking proposals from qualified Civil Engineering firms to provide programing, civil master planning, coordination and application for street closures, surveying, stormwater management and retention design, ADEM permitting, phase 1 environmental survey and report (and phase 2 if required) and other related services for a new Capital Complex Park, parking facility and integration of storm water from the new Alabama State House. The services to be provided in response to this RFP will be in addition to and in support of the contract for architectural services awarded under RFP RE 25-001 (Capital Complex parking facility), a future park feature, demolition of the existing State House, and construction of the new Alabama State House that is currently under construction.

Notice of Intent to Award

RFP RE25-002

Steve Timms

Copy to heather.smith@rsa-al.gov

Attn: Steve Timms
Retirement Systems of Alabama
201 South Union Street
Montgomery, AL  36130

Deadline to Submit Questions:

Sealed Proposals Due:
1/7/2025 at 2:00 pm

Questions and Answers:
Questions and Answers for RFP RE25-002

RFP RE25-001 Architectural and Engineering and other Services for a new Parking Facility and Energy Plant for the new State House Capital Complex

The RSA is seeking proposals from qualified architectural firms to provide programming, professional design, construction administration and other related services for a new parking facility and energy plant. The anticipated location is bounded by N. Union St., King St., S. Ripley St. and McDowell Lee Lane, Montgomery, Alabama. The final size and configuration of the project will be determined during the initial architectural phase of the project.

Notice of Intent to Award

RFP RE25-001

Steve Timms

Copy to heather.smith@rsa-al.gov

Attn: Steve Timms
Retirement Systems of Alabama
201 South Union Street
Montgomery, AL  36130

Deadline to Submit Questions:

Sealed Proposals Due:
1/7/2025 at 2:00 pm

Questions and Answers:
Questions and Answers for RFP RE25-001

RFP RE25-004 Construction Management Services

The RSA is seeking proposals from qualified Construction Management firms to provide program and construction management and other construction related services for a new Capital Complex Park, parking facility and demolition and removal of the existing Alabama State House in coordination with the new Alabama State House. The services to be provided in response to this RFP will be in addition to and in support of the several contracts for architectural services and a Master Site Civil Engineering contract.

Notice of Intent to Award

RFP RE25-004

Steve Timms

Copy to heather.smith@rsa-al.gov

Attn: Steve Timms
Retirement Systems of Alabama
201 South Union Street
Montgomery, AL  36130

Deadline to Submit Questions:

Sealed Proposals Due:
1/7/2025 at 2:00 pm

RFP 25-001 Graphic Design, Web Design, and Web Support Services

The RSA is seeking proposals documenting the experience, qualifications, services, and pricing of organizations who meet the minimum qualifications set forth in this RFP and who are interested in providing graphic design, web design, and web support services for RSA as more specifically detailed in the RFP.

Notice of Intent to Award

***Due to a winter storm affecting travel and office hours, the deadline for receipt of proposals for this RFP has been extended to Thursday, January 23, at 5:00 pm CST.***

RFP 25-001
Questions and Answers for RFP 25-001

Deborah Kirk

Attn: Communications Department
Retirement Systems of Alabama
201 South Union Street
Montgomery, AL  36130

Deadline to Submit Questions:
1/13/2025 at 5:00 pm

Sealed Proposals Due:
1/21/2025 at 5:00 pm

Current Invitation for Bids (ITBs)

None currently available

Current Request for Qualifications (RFQs)

None currently available

RFP, ITB, and RFQ Forms

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement

State of Alabama Disclosure Statement


Immigration Compliance Certificate

Proposer Profile Form

Proposer References Form

Certification of Bidder or Proposer Form
