What’s New with RSA-1

Over the past two years, the RSA staff has worked diligently on the design of new RSA-1 online features. These upgrades will allow us to work more efficiently, while also giving our members the opportunity to process requests automatically through our Member Online Services (MOS).

We are thrilled about these changes and hope our members will feel the same way. Although the list is not all inclusive, we want to share some of the key features our new system offers.

Online Processing of Member Requests:

  • Enroll online
  • Submit contribution allocation changes
  • Make investment changes
  • Update federal tax withholding
  • Submit Special Catch-up requests
  • Initiate and upload distribution requests and beneficiary changes
  • Stop periodic distributions
  • Check status of requests and view account details

Procedure Enhancements:

  • Make investment changes more frequently
  • Daily valuation of accounts
  • Added semiannual and quarterly distribution options
  • Accept rollovers from Thrift and Savings Plan (TSP) and 457(b) Roth accounts
  • Option to have Roth elective contributions
  • Convert pre-tax accounts to a Roth account

If you would like to learn more about these changes or how to become a new RSA-1 member, please contact us at 877.517.0020.

More About Our Offerings

Introducing RSA-1's New Online Features 

Introducing a New Way to Save with a Roth Account

RSA-1 Roth Account Mailer

RSA-1 Roth Account Brochure

RSA-1 Pre-Tax Account Brochure​​​​​​​
