ERS Retirement Preparation Seminar

Retirement Preparation Seminar [Full-Day]

If you are within five years of retirement eligibility, it’s time to focus on the finish line! Our free full-day Retirement Preparation Seminar gives you the opportunity to hear from the experts and help plan your retirement with confidence.

Planning for Retirement is a Must!

Topics covered include:

  • Making the transition to retirement
  • Health Insurance
  • ERS Retirement Benefits including your retirement estimate
  • Social Security
  • RSA-1 Deferred Compensation Plan

How to register:

  1. Register online or complete the Registration Form. Be sure to select TWO seminar sites if registering by mail and not online. And remember, you have to be registered to attend!
  2. Mail your completed form to the address on the form.
  3. If your spouse is coming to the seminar with you, indicate that on the form.
  4. You will receive a letter confirming your attendance at the seminar. If your seminar choices are full or you don’t qualify for the seminar, you will receive a denial letter.
  5. If you don’t receive a confirmation letter within two weeks of the seminar, contact Field Services at 877.517.0020.

Information about seminars:

  • You must be registered to attend.
  • Registration is on a first-come basis, so plan ahead.
  • No fax or phone reservations accepted.
  • You may bring your spouse or a guest but let us know when you register.
  • Lunch is not provided.
  • The seminar is absolutely FREE.
  • Questions? Contact Field Services at 877.517.0020 and let us help.